Osprey Global Solutions Ukraine

Osprey Global Solutions Ukraine

Charity Fund

Osprey Global Solutions Ukraine


We are

Joint American–Ukrainian project founded as a result of executed humanitarian and training projects in order to assist the renovation of Ukraine, restore defensive opportunities of Ukraine, educating the EOD specialists and carrying out demining activities.


International experienced team in military, training, legal, consulting and public-private partnership sectors.   


David L. Grange

Co-founder, Retired United States Army major general


Serhii Hubiak

Chairman of the Fund, co-founder,Ukrainian legal Governmental sector expert


Andrii Stavenko

Vice Chairman, international relations, private-public partnership expert




EOD training for the law-enforces, first-responders, borders guards 



To provide essential experience on tactical medical support



Training on aerial, remote, drone and modern technologies usage


Technical and Humanitarian Aid

Technical, medical or infrastructural solutions to State officials 


Kyiv Regional Military Administration

Chernigiv Regional Military Administration

Mykolaiv Regional Military Administration

Kherson Regional Military Administration

Zaporizhzhya Regional Military Administration

Kharkiv Regional Military Administration

Support UA

We are always open to any assistance and support from you to our brothers and sisters from law-enforcement agencies, armed forces, first-responders, border guards or medical specialists and also for the civilians who suffered from the military aggression.


For Private Companies

If you are a private company (producing various EOD, medical, training, protective equipment etc), international NGO, financial institution or official representative, please contact us.


For Private Persons

If you are a private person and want to support our training course, please, press "Donate". Public contract web.

Contact us

Serhii HubiakChairman of the Fund

+38 067 790 6442+38 044 209 23 46dnuf.au-sgo%40gswww.ogs-ua.fund
4B Mykoly Hrinchenka StKyiv 03038 Ukraine

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